Dress Code
All middle schools in the Salinas Union High School District have Board-adopted, mandatory school uniforms. Uniforms were adopted to improve school safety, decrease antisocial behavior, and improve student self-esteem.
School Dress Code
1. All schools require a uniform with a solid white collared top and solid black bottom.
2. The solid white shirt should have sleeves and a collar. Shirts shall not have lace, sheer material, logos, including sports logos and must cover the stomach area. In lieu of the white shirt, students may wear school-sponsored shirts on Friday’s ONLY (e.g. Renaissance, WEB, yearbook club, school sports shirts, etc.). Shirts may not be altered.
3. The black pants must be solid in color, hemmed, and an appropriate size to fit the student. Pants shall not be overalls, spandex (including yoga/leggings), nylon, nor sweat jogging pants.
4. In lieu of solid black pants, students may wear solid black skirts or shorts not shorter than mid-thigh, as deemed by school staff.
5. For outerwear (jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts), students may wear solid school colors; black, gray or white. Sports jackets (i.e. 49ers, Raiders, etc.) and jackets with logos are not allowed. During rainy weather, students may wear appropriate rain wear over their normal uniform, provided red or blue colors are not worn.
6. Footwear – students are required to wear close-toed, close-heeled shoes (no sandals). Shoes and laces should not have red or blue on them. Military style and steel-toed boots are not permitted.
7. Socks/stockings may not have blue or red colors or inappropriate paraphernalia on them.
8. Belt buckles must be plain (no initials, pictures, etc.) and cannot contain red or blue colors.
9. Undershirts may only be solid white, gray or black. They are to be worn under a collared or school-sponsored shirt. Low-cut tank tops or undershirts should not be seen.
10. Hairnets, bandannas and beanies may not be worn. The only hats allowed are solid black baseball caps (with a bill facing forward) and are allowed outside with prior approval from the administration.
11. Hair accessories, jewelry, or other accessories, including backpacks may not have blue or red on it. Accessories, including scarves, may be black, white or gray.
2. The solid white shirt should have sleeves and a collar. Shirts shall not have lace, sheer material, logos, including sports logos and must cover the stomach area. In lieu of the white shirt, students may wear school-sponsored shirts on Friday’s ONLY (e.g. Renaissance, WEB, yearbook club, school sports shirts, etc.). Shirts may not be altered.
3. The black pants must be solid in color, hemmed, and an appropriate size to fit the student. Pants shall not be overalls, spandex (including yoga/leggings), nylon, nor sweat jogging pants.
4. In lieu of solid black pants, students may wear solid black skirts or shorts not shorter than mid-thigh, as deemed by school staff.
5. For outerwear (jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts), students may wear solid school colors; black, gray or white. Sports jackets (i.e. 49ers, Raiders, etc.) and jackets with logos are not allowed. During rainy weather, students may wear appropriate rain wear over their normal uniform, provided red or blue colors are not worn.
6. Footwear – students are required to wear close-toed, close-heeled shoes (no sandals). Shoes and laces should not have red or blue on them. Military style and steel-toed boots are not permitted.
7. Socks/stockings may not have blue or red colors or inappropriate paraphernalia on them.
8. Belt buckles must be plain (no initials, pictures, etc.) and cannot contain red or blue colors.
9. Undershirts may only be solid white, gray or black. They are to be worn under a collared or school-sponsored shirt. Low-cut tank tops or undershirts should not be seen.
10. Hairnets, bandannas and beanies may not be worn. The only hats allowed are solid black baseball caps (with a bill facing forward) and are allowed outside with prior approval from the administration.
11. Hair accessories, jewelry, or other accessories, including backpacks may not have blue or red on it. Accessories, including scarves, may be black, white or gray.
12. Uniform Exemption. Any request for a uniform exemption must be submitted before the first day of school, or for new students within 72 hours of the date of enrollment. Students who have been placed on academic/behavior contracts will not be eligible for exemptions. Exemptions must be obtained through a conference with the school principal and are for the current year only. Students receiving an exemption must adhere to the general District Dress Code (see dress code in the district portion of this handbook).
Physical Education Dress Code

Harden Middle School T-Shirt & Shorts . As an alternative, a plain heather gray t-shirt and shorts may be worn. In addition, we do have sweatpants and sweatshirts available for purchase for colder weather. Please also be sure that you purchase an HMS Combination Lock. Everything can be purchased in our Student Store.