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Registration Information

Registration Information

Registration Information

Registration Information
Harden Middle School accepts registration all year long. Note: to register you must have your completed immunization records. Make sure your child has had their current Tdap booster. Class schedules may be picked up at school the week prior to the start of school.
Required Forms
In order to receive your schedule, you must return the following forms (with appropriate signatures) that you will receive in advance through the mail:
  • Update Student Data Transmittal Form
  • Health History Emergency Form
  • Parent/Student/School Compact
  • Student/Parent Signature Form
  • Confidential Student Residency Questionnaire/Affadavit/Referral

Only students with the above forms signed will receive their schedule!

Attendance Requirements
To attend Harden Middle School, a student must:
  • Reside on a full-time permanent basis (seven days and seven nights) within the boundaries of the District. For joint custody situations, see below.
  • Required school documents (see above).
  • Child's birth certificate or passport
  • Proof of Physical Residence â€“ One of the following original utility documents with the parent/guardian's name and address: water, garbage, internet, PG&E, telephone, employment paystub, cable.
  • Immunization Records – Immunizations need to be completed at the time of application. 
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) team determines the appropriate services, settings, and placement options for each student receiving special education services. Although the majority of students receiving special education services may be served at any school and participate without restriction in the general enrollment process, certain highly specialized services for particular disabilities with low incidence rates are not available at all school sites. Please provide a current copy of your child's most recent IEP and assessment at the time of registration. Please contact the main office for more information and to schedule a meeting with staff if you have questions.
504 Plan
Students who are enrolling in SUHSD and have a current 504 Plan from another district can be served at any school and participate without restriction in the general enrollment process. Please provide a current 504 plan during this time, so we can ensure that your child receives the appropriate support and accommodation, and can have a smooth transition to a new school.

Joint Custody

Please provide custody documentation and contact the Attendance office.


Josefina Minerd
(831) 796-7300 extension 8208