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Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

We love Harden Middle School! We are the home of the Huskies! Husky Pride means that you are RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN! 

What is PBIS?
"PBIS" is short for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports. PBIS is a set of ideas and tools that schools use to improve the behavior of students. PBIS uses evidence and data-based programs, practices and strategies to frame behavioral improvement in terms of student growth in academic performance, safety, behavior, and establishing and maintaining a positive school culture. PBIS addresses the needs of at-risk students as well as the multi-leveled needs of all students in regard to behavior, which creates an environment for both teaching and learning to occur in schools. In contrast to PBIS, many schools use exclusionary discipline practices including detentions, suspension, or expulsions to separate students from the classroom and from peers. PBIS emphasizes preventing problem behaviors before they happen to increase the opportunity for students to learn by keeping them in the classroom. PBIS is a team-based framework for schools that borrows elements from response to intervention, an intervention that uses diagnostic data to develop personalized learning plans for all students.
Key features of PBIS include:
  • Administrative leadership
  • Team-based implementation
  • A clear set of defined positive expectations and behaviors
  • Teaching of expected behaviors
  • Recognition of meeting expected behaviors
  • Monitoring and correcting errors in behaviors
  • Using data-based information for decision-making, monitoring, and evaluating building result

The Harden Way
The Harden Way helps encourage every student to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN. Each teacher has created class policies and procedures that intervene and support each of these three behavior expectations.

To support positive behavior in key areas, we have implemented school rewards for good behavior.