Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions![]()
Course Descriptions
PLUS+ Classes
Plus classes are at-grade level, academically advanced courses designed to challenge motivated students to understand rigorous content. The coursework requires students to engage in independent and analytical assignments. (These classes replace previously labeled GATE and Advanced)
What is the difference between Plus+ and General Education Classes?
The curricula for both Plus and General Ed courses are built on the core academic curriculum, following the California Core Standards. Students enrolled in Plus+ should expect more in-depth classroom discussion and overall greater academic expectations on assignments and time management.
Below is a brief description of all the courses offered at Harden Middle School.
Counselors will place students in the most appropriate classes.
Plus classes are at-grade level, academically advanced courses designed to challenge motivated students to understand rigorous content. The coursework requires students to engage in independent and analytical assignments. (These classes replace previously labeled GATE and Advanced)
What is the difference between Plus+ and General Education Classes?
The curricula for both Plus and General Ed courses are built on the core academic curriculum, following the California Core Standards. Students enrolled in Plus+ should expect more in-depth classroom discussion and overall greater academic expectations on assignments and time management.
Below is a brief description of all the courses offered at Harden Middle School.
Counselors will place students in the most appropriate classes.
This course focuses on the concept of “choices” and uses storytelling, attentive study of a published author’s style and craft, close reading, purposeful research, productive collaboration, drama, and a novel study that presents choices of both characters and authors to teach Common Core State Standards (CCSS), as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Students learn critical thinking and academic English needs to be successful.
Students who have been placed in these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this course will include additional learning activities to deepen student understanding.
This course focuses on the concept of "challenges". Students study heroes from across time and cultures as well as utopian societies to understand that without hardships, heroes would not exist. Short stories, poetry, drama, film, nonfiction, and novel study are used to teach Common Core State Standards (CCSS), as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Students learn critical thinking and academic English needs to be successful.
Students who have been placed in these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this course will include additional learning activities to deepen student understanding.
This course focuses on the concept of “choices” and uses storytelling, attentive study of a published author’s style and craft, close reading, purposeful research, productive collaboration, drama, and a novel study that presents choices of both characters and authors to teach Common Core State Standards (CCSS), as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Students learn critical thinking and academic English needs to be successful.
Students who have been placed in these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this course will include additional learning activities to deepen student understanding.
This course focuses on the concept of "challenges". Students study heroes from across time and cultures as well as utopian societies to understand that without hardships, heroes would not exist. Short stories, poetry, drama, film, nonfiction, and novel study are used to teach Common Core State Standards (CCSS), as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Students learn critical thinking and academic English needs to be successful.
Students who have been placed in these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this course will include additional learning activities to deepen student understanding.
English Language Development
English Language Development![]()
English Language Development
The Academic Language Development courses provide designated ELD instruction for long-term English Learners and those exiting ELD III. There are four courses per grade. The classes are intended to serve a limited language development range. Usually, within each class, there are no more than two proficiency levels. The classes use research-based pedagogy to provide designated ELD instruction at students’ proficiency levels. The courses are backward planned from meaningful application tasks that build to grade-level standards. The tasks are sequenced to grow in complexity over the course of the year and are used to determine the specific linguistics forms and high leverage vocabulary that students need to continue to develop their English proficiency and be successful in their content area classes. The goal is to provide the instruction necessary for students to successfully reclassify as expeditiously as possible.
This course is designed to teach the English language to non-native speakers. The goals are to increase the ability to communicate with native speakers, to function successfully in society, and to achieve fluency in oral and written expression as established in the State English Language Learner Standards.
READ 180
(Open to students who are concurrently enrolled in an English Development class for an additional hour of English language support). This course offers an additional period of language support that emphasizes listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Curriculum is set according to individual student needs.
The Academic Language Development courses provide designated ELD instruction for long-term English Learners and those exiting ELD III. There are four courses per grade. The classes are intended to serve a limited language development range. Usually, within each class, there are no more than two proficiency levels. The classes use research-based pedagogy to provide designated ELD instruction at students’ proficiency levels. The courses are backward planned from meaningful application tasks that build to grade-level standards. The tasks are sequenced to grow in complexity over the course of the year and are used to determine the specific linguistics forms and high leverage vocabulary that students need to continue to develop their English proficiency and be successful in their content area classes. The goal is to provide the instruction necessary for students to successfully reclassify as expeditiously as possible.
This course is designed to teach the English language to non-native speakers. The goals are to increase the ability to communicate with native speakers, to function successfully in society, and to achieve fluency in oral and written expression as established in the State English Language Learner Standards.
READ 180
(Open to students who are concurrently enrolled in an English Development class for an additional hour of English language support). This course offers an additional period of language support that emphasizes listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Curriculum is set according to individual student needs.
When appropriate, each of the following courses may be taught in the “Transitional” or “Sheltered” mode of instruction or in Spanish.
Science 7 is aligned to the California State Content Standards. The areas of study for 7th grade science will include cells, genetics, evolution, human reproduction, and physical principles in living systems. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation and investigation.
This class involves advanced mathematics, engineering, and projects.
Science 8 is aligned to the California Sate Content Standards. The areas of study for 8th grade science will include physics (forces, motion, density, and buoyancy), chemistry, and astronomy. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation and investigation.
Science 7 is aligned to the California State Content Standards. The areas of study for 7th grade science will include cells, genetics, evolution, human reproduction, and physical principles in living systems. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation and investigation.
This class involves advanced mathematics, engineering, and projects.
Science 8 is aligned to the California Sate Content Standards. The areas of study for 8th grade science will include physics (forces, motion, density, and buoyancy), chemistry, and astronomy. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation and investigation.
Exploratory and Electives
Exploratory and Electives ![]()
Exploratory and Electives
ART (7 & 8)
Art is a semester-long course for students to focus on the elements of art and principles of design. Students explore basic techniques in two and three-dimensional projects. Students learn to appreciate different styles and gain an appreciation for various historical periods, cultures, and artists.
This course is designed for students who wish to experience creating art and have time to complete detailed projects. We explore a variety of ways to make your ideas come alive.
AVID (7 & 8)
Advancement Via Individual Determination The Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program is a motivational and academic program with two major components: student skills for lifelong learning and academic instruction. Students begin their preparation of skills needed to advance to college after high school. (Requires teacher approval)
BEGINNING BAND (Year) (W - 7 & 8)
If a student has never played a band instrument, but would like to learn, this is the class. Students will learn to play an instrument; learn the fundamentals of music; and take part in performances through an ensemble experience. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. School instruments are available, but students are encouraged to provide their own instruments to facilitate home practice. Instruments include flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, baritone, trombone, tube, and percussion.
Art is a semester-long course for students to focus on the elements of art and principles of design. Students explore basic techniques in two and three-dimensional projects. Students learn to appreciate different styles and gain an appreciation for various historical periods, cultures, and artists.
This course is designed for students who wish to experience creating art and have time to complete detailed projects. We explore a variety of ways to make your ideas come alive.
AVID (7 & 8)
Advancement Via Individual Determination The Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program is a motivational and academic program with two major components: student skills for lifelong learning and academic instruction. Students begin their preparation of skills needed to advance to college after high school. (Requires teacher approval)
BEGINNING BAND (Year) (W - 7 & 8)
If a student has never played a band instrument, but would like to learn, this is the class. Students will learn to play an instrument; learn the fundamentals of music; and take part in performances through an ensemble experience. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. School instruments are available, but students are encouraged to provide their own instruments to facilitate home practice. Instruments include flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, baritone, trombone, tube, and percussion.
ADVANCED BAND (Year) (W - 7 & 8)
This class is open to students who have successfully completed at least one year of instruction on a band instrument (or two years of piano instruction). Placement is by teacher approval. Students develop proficiency in phrasing, articulation, and musicianship. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. School instruments are available, but students are encouraged to provide their own to facilitate home practice.
This class is open to students who have successfully completed at least one year of instruction on a band instrument (or two years of piano instruction). Placement is by teacher approval. Students develop proficiency in phrasing, articulation, and musicianship. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. School instruments are available, but students are encouraged to provide their own to facilitate home practice.
CHOIR (Year) (H, W - 7 & 8)
If a student likes to sing or would like to learn how to sing, he/she should enroll in a chorus. Students will learn the basics of good vocal sounds, breath support, and note reading. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. The chorus includes high, medium, and low voices.
(Open to qualifying 7th and 8th graders) Classes for children with exceptional needs are available to students for whom an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P) has been written. Students who qualify for placement may be scheduled into either a Special Day Class Program or a Resource Specialist Program following appropriate Individualized Education Program Team action. Emphasis is placed on transitioning students into regular educational classes and preparing for high school.
If a student likes to sing or would like to learn how to sing, he/she should enroll in a chorus. Students will learn the basics of good vocal sounds, breath support, and note reading. As a performing group, some attendance is required outside of school hours for concerts. The chorus includes high, medium, and low voices.
(Open to qualifying 7th and 8th graders) Classes for children with exceptional needs are available to students for whom an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P) has been written. Students who qualify for placement may be scheduled into either a Special Day Class Program or a Resource Specialist Program following appropriate Individualized Education Program Team action. Emphasis is placed on transitioning students into regular educational classes and preparing for high school.
Students organize, write articles, and distribute the school publications. (Teacher approval is needed to enroll in this class).
Leadership provides academic, practical and lifelong skills such as initiative, cooperation, public speaking, and accounting. Students learn to plan, organize and maintain an effective co-curricular program designed to actively involve the school/community. It promotes communication between administrators, faculty and students. Emphasis is on individual responsibility, performance, and student input. (Teacher approval needed to enroll in this class).
MUSIC (H, W – 7 & 8)
Semester – Exploratory Program This course offers beginning techniques on guitar. Strum technique and basic chord progressions are taught. Also included are practices in music and work in ensembles, or performances at the Winter or the Spring concerts are required.
Students organize, write articles, and distribute the school publications. (Teacher approval is needed to enroll in this class).
Leadership provides academic, practical and lifelong skills such as initiative, cooperation, public speaking, and accounting. Students learn to plan, organize and maintain an effective co-curricular program designed to actively involve the school/community. It promotes communication between administrators, faculty and students. Emphasis is on individual responsibility, performance, and student input. (Teacher approval needed to enroll in this class).
MUSIC (H, W – 7 & 8)
Semester – Exploratory Program This course offers beginning techniques on guitar. Strum technique and basic chord progressions are taught. Also included are practices in music and work in ensembles, or performances at the Winter or the Spring concerts are required.
Semester – Exploratory Program This course has the students learn about different types of music. Students will be introduced to the components that make up music and be able to identify those components in different styles and eras. The students’ enjoyment of music will be enhanced through listening, discussion, and demonstration of classical, jazz, and rock music.
An elective for students who have demonstrated superior citizenship and above-average academic progress. Aides in the office have many opportunities to develop responsibility and leadership. Practice in recordkeeping and other routine office procedures are provided.
ROBOTICS (7 & 8) (H)
The Automation and Robotics Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Gateway middle school course traces the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as students learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems.
Duties may include helping teachers with assigned class work, giving make-up tests, individual or small group drill, reading to one or more students, or giving help in special skill areas. The position is one of responsibility. The aide is required to set an example to the class through good citizenship and willingness to contribute to the welfare of all students. (Students are expected to show responsibility by remaining with this elective)
Semester – Exploratory Program This course has the students learn about different types of music. Students will be introduced to the components that make up music and be able to identify those components in different styles and eras. The students’ enjoyment of music will be enhanced through listening, discussion, and demonstration of classical, jazz, and rock music.
An elective for students who have demonstrated superior citizenship and above-average academic progress. Aides in the office have many opportunities to develop responsibility and leadership. Practice in recordkeeping and other routine office procedures are provided.
ROBOTICS (7 & 8) (H)
The Automation and Robotics Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Gateway middle school course traces the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as students learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems.
Duties may include helping teachers with assigned class work, giving make-up tests, individual or small group drill, reading to one or more students, or giving help in special skill areas. The position is one of responsibility. The aide is required to set an example to the class through good citizenship and willingness to contribute to the welfare of all students. (Students are expected to show responsibility by remaining with this elective)
When appropriate, each of the following courses may be taught in the “Transitional” or “Sheltered” mode of instruction or Spanish.
Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards ensures all students receive an equitable education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and at their place of work. To meet the challenges of the CCSS, our district has adopted and implemented an “Integrated Math” pathway that will replace “Traditional” courses. The “Integrated” courses for middle school are described below.
All grade 7 students will transition to the Integrated Math program in alignment with the Common Core State Standards. The entry point is the Common Core Math (CC7) course that will prepare students for the progression towards college and career readiness in mathematics. The CC7 course will integrate the 8 Mathematical Practices within the following areas: ratios and proportional relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, geometry and statistics and probability.
This second course in the Integrated Common Core middle school sequence will build on mastery of the following CC7 course concepts: the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics and probability. This course will also introduce students to functions for the first time. Throughout the course, students will continue to apply the 8 Mathematical Practices.
This yearlong course is designed for identified students who have difficulty in mastering Common Core Math standards. Students will be provided with additional instruction at their current grade level. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to strengthen their specific areas of need in mastering Common Core Math standards.
Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards ensures all students receive an equitable education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and at their place of work. To meet the challenges of the CCSS, our district has adopted and implemented an “Integrated Math” pathway that will replace “Traditional” courses. The “Integrated” courses for middle school are described below.
All grade 7 students will transition to the Integrated Math program in alignment with the Common Core State Standards. The entry point is the Common Core Math (CC7) course that will prepare students for the progression towards college and career readiness in mathematics. The CC7 course will integrate the 8 Mathematical Practices within the following areas: ratios and proportional relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, geometry and statistics and probability.
This second course in the Integrated Common Core middle school sequence will build on mastery of the following CC7 course concepts: the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics and probability. This course will also introduce students to functions for the first time. Throughout the course, students will continue to apply the 8 Mathematical Practices.
This yearlong course is designed for identified students who have difficulty in mastering Common Core Math standards. Students will be provided with additional instruction at their current grade level. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to strengthen their specific areas of need in mastering Common Core Math standards.
Social Studies
Social Studies![]()
Social Studies
When appropriate, each of the following courses may be taught in the “Transitional” or “Sheltered” mode of instruction or in Spanish.
World History/Geography Students study World History and Geography from the fall of the Roman Empire through the 18th century (the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason), including the study of world religions and the history of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. An emphasis is placed on historical and social science analysis skills as well as geographic literacy.
World History/Geography Students study World History and Geography from the fall of the Roman Empire through the 18th century (the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason), including the study of world religions and the history of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. An emphasis is placed on historical and social science analysis skills as well as geographic literacy.
United Stated History. This course includes a study from the framing of the Constitution up to the transformation of America in response to the Industrial Revolution. This course includes a brief review of the American Revolution. Students will develop geographic literacy and study the impact of history on today's world.
Students who have been placed on these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this advanced course will include additional learning activities to accelerate student learning.
United Stated History. This course includes a study from the framing of the Constitution up to the transformation of America in response to the Industrial Revolution. This course includes a brief review of the American Revolution. Students will develop geographic literacy and study the impact of history on today's world.
Students who have been placed on these courses will receive instruction to the same standards as the regular course, but this advanced course will include additional learning activities to accelerate student learning.
Physical Education
Physical Education![]()
Physical Education
Physical Education is an integral part of the school’s educational program and is required for all students.
Health encourages the development of self-awareness, life skills and prevention practices. Students examine the ever-changing relationships of physical, mental, emotional, and social forces that affect their growth to maturity. Subjects included: Personal Health; Family Life Health; Nutrition; Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Prevention; Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD’s), HIV/Aids Prevention; Safety and First Aid.
Health encourages the development of self-awareness, life skills and prevention practices. Students examine the ever-changing relationships of physical, mental, emotional, and social forces that affect their growth to maturity. Subjects included: Personal Health; Family Life Health; Nutrition; Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Prevention; Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD’s), HIV/Aids Prevention; Safety and First Aid.
In 7th grade, the content standards emphasize meeting challenges and making decisions. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge to individual and dual physical activities; the assessment and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance. All 7th grade students are required by state mandate to take the California Physical Fitness test, a criterion-referenced test, which measures the student’s progress toward achieving the Healthy Fitness Zone in the five components of health-related fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance; muscular strength; muscular endurance; flexibility; and body composition.
In 7th grade, the content standards emphasize meeting challenges and making decisions. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge to individual and dual physical activities; the assessment and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance. All 7th grade students are required by state mandate to take the California Physical Fitness test, a criterion-referenced test, which measures the student’s progress toward achieving the Healthy Fitness Zone in the five components of health-related fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance; muscular strength; muscular endurance; flexibility; and body composition.
In 8th grade, the content standards emphasize working as a team to solve problems. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge (including defensive and offensive strategies) to team physical activities.
In 8th grade, the content standards emphasize working as a team to solve problems. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge (including defensive and offensive strategies) to team physical activities.